Grade 8 isiZulu

Grade 8 isiZulu

4 Seasons

Learning isiZulu enhances bilingualism and intercultural communication, especially in the South African landscape as it is the most widely spoken first language in South Africa. Basic reading and writing skills are developed but listening and speaking skills are focused on intensively through the exploration of various topics and themes. The goal is to encourage meaningful communication in isiZulu.

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Grade 8 isiZulu
  • Indaba Emfishane / Short Story

    Episode 1

    Know all about the key features of a short story including the structure, introduction, the body, the climax, conclusion, characters, Narrator / narrator
    and Background theme.

    Izimpawu ezibalulekile zendaba emfishane: Isakhiwo, Isingeniso, Umzimba
    Uvuthondaba, Isiphetho, Abalingiswa, Umlandi/ u...

  • Izandiso / adverbs

    Episode 2

    lesson outcomes
    you will know the different types of extensions. Local extension , Extension of period, Status extension , Examples of each type of extension.

    Imiphumela yesifundo: lesson outcomes
    uzokwazi izinhlobo ezahluke zezandiso, Isandiso sendawo, Isandiso senkathi
    Isandiso sesimo, I...

  • Indaba Elandisayo / Narrative Story

    Episode 3

    This lesson will teach you how to tell a Narrative Story and how to structure it, write the introduction, the body and conclusion. You will also know how to be aware of how to arrange your points in the outline when writing a narrative story .

    Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi lokhu:
    Iyini indaba...

  • Izivumelwano Zenhloko / Subject-Verb Agreement

    Episode 4

    After this lesson you will know: What the principal agreementis, How to spot the subject of a sentence, Subject agreements for various Zulu nouns and noun prefix agreements.

    Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi lokhu: Siyini isivumelwano senhloko, Usibona/ usithola kanjani kwinhloko yomusho, Izivum...

  • Isenzo Nezimpawu Zokuloba / Verb and punctuation

    Episode 5

    After this lesson you will know: The principal agreement, How to spot the subject of a sentence, Subject agreements for various Zulu nouns. Various noun prefix agreements.

    Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi lokhu: Siyini isivumelwano senhloko, Usibona/ usithola kanjani kwinhloko yomusho, Izivumel...

  • Incwadi Yobungani / Friendly Letter

    Episode 6

    After this tutorial you will be able to: how to write a friedly letter and who to addres it to, Important content in a friendship letter and What to do if you are going to write a friendship letter and after writing the first attempt and the two types of addresses.

    Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokw...

  • Amagama amqondofana namqondophika / Synonyms and antonyms

    Episode 7

    Let’s learn about synonyms, antonyms and go through a few activities to practice our knowledge.

    Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi ukuthi, Yini amagama amqondofana, Izibonelo zamagama amqondofana, Yini amagama amqondophika, Izibonelo zamagama amqondophika, Senze nemisebenzi emifishane nje yalokhu...

  • Amabizongxube, Izibabazo, Isenzukuthi / Mixed nouns, exclamations, pronouns

    Episode 8

    Determine what kind of nouns we can call mixed nouns and the composition of a mixed noun. We also learn what an exclamation point is and what happens when it's used in a sentence.

    Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi: Ababizo anjani esithi angamabizongxube, Izibonelo zawo amabizongxube, Nokwakheka ...

  • Isiphawulo / Adjectives

    Episode 9

    This lesson looks at what adjectives are, how they can be used in sentences.

    Namhlanje sizobe sifunda NGESIPHAWULO : Siyini Isiphawulo , Iziqu zesiphawulo , Iziqu zesiphawulo ezibalayo, Eziphikisayo, Ezibuzayo, Izivumelwano zesiphawulo.

  • Umbiko Nezisho Zesizulu / Zulu News and Sayings

    Episode 10

    After this tutorial you will know what a report is, and what to consider when making a report such as structure. We look at a few Zulu sayings and their meanings.

    Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi lokhu: Uyini umbiko, Okubalulekile okumele ukuqaphele uma wenza umbiko, Isakhiwo sombiko, Izisho ze...