Grade 9 isiZulu

Grade 9 isiZulu

4 Seasons

This level focuses on building a solid foundation in language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Zulu. learners will delve into the intricacies of Zulu grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, enabling them to communicate effectively in both everyday conversations and more formal settings.

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Grade 9 isiZulu
  • Inkulumo Elungiselelwe / Prepared Speech

    Episode 1

    In this lesson we will know what a prepared speech is.
    We will look at examples that explain how to prepare for delivering a speech.

    Kuso lesi isifundo sizokwazi ukuthi yini inkulumo elungiselelwe.
    Sizo bheka izibonelo ezichaza izinkulumo ezihlukeni

  • Ibizo / Nouns

    Episode 2

    Today we will be learning about nouns and we will also know the following : what is a noun,
    we will study noun classes and noun formation.

    Namhlanje sizobe sifunda ngebizo sizokwazi nakho okulandelayo, ukuthi iyini Ibizo,
    sizofunda izigaba zamabizo nokwakheka kwebizo.

  • Umbiko / Reports

    Episode 3

    After this lesson you will know what a report is, what is important to be aware of when making a report
    , The structure of the report and a few Zulu expressions and their meanings.

    Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi ukuthi yini umbiko , okubalulekile okumele ukuqaphele uma wenza umbiko
    , Isakhiwo ...

  • Mqondofa, mqondophika, Omabizwafane , Izihlanganiso, Ukuphikisa

    Episode 4

    After this we will learn, similar concepts, negative concepts, similar nouns, conjunctions
    , to oppose the months of the year in Zulu.

    Ngemuva kwalesi sizofunda , umqondofana ,umqondophika ,omabizwafane ,izihlanganiso
    , Ukuphikisa neziinyanga zonyaka zesiZulu.

  • Inkulumo Elungiselelwe / Prepared Speech

    Episode 5

    We continue here with the prepared speech, we will look at the words, communication, repetition, feeling and end with the theme.

    Siyaqhubeka lana ngekulumo elungiselwe , sizobheka , izifengqo , ukuxhumana , impindwa , umuzwa sigcine ngendikimba

  • Isikhangiso / Advertisement

    Episode 6

    Here we will be learning about writing an advertisement. After this lesson you will know what we are talking about when we talk about advertising
    We will look at different advertisements, what is the advertisement for, who is the advertisement for, what is important about the advertisement.


  • Omabizwafane, nezimpawu zokuloba / Nicknames and punctuation

    Episode 7

    In today's lesson we will be doing pronouns and punctuation.

    Kusifundo sanamhlannje sizobe senza omabizwafane kanye nezimpawu zokuloba.

  • Izihlanganiso / Conjunctions

    Episode 8

    In this lesson you will also get an additional lesson. As we know that a straight Zulu sentence is made up of the head of the sentence, the verb and the object and if the sentence is compound or branched, we use a conjunction to make those sentences into one sentence.

    Kulesi sifundo uzophinde ut...

  • Inkulumo - ngqo, inkulumo mbiko kanye nezimpawu zokuloba

    Episode 9

    Here is our lesson for today on speech – report, speech – direct and punctuation.
    All this is in this lesson and we will show examples of speech and direct speech in this lesson.

    Nasi isifundo sethu sanamuhla esimayelana nenkulumo – mbiko, inkulumo – ngqo kanye nezimpawu zokuloba.
    Konke lokhu k...

  • Isifundo sokulalela ngokuqondisisa / Listening comprehension

    Episode 10

    After this lesson, will you know the importance of listening, will you know what listening does to the student?
    will you learn what the student does while listening? Let's find out what you can expect when a listening comprehension lesson is done?
    we will look at an example of a listening compreh...