Grade 9 English

Grade 9 English

4 Seasons

Language is a tool for thought and communication. It is also a cultural and aesthetic means commonly shared among
a people to make better sense of the world they live in. Learning to use language effectively enables learners you to
acquire knowledge, to express identity, feelings and ideas, to interact with others, and to manage world. It
also provides you with a rich, powerful and deeply rooted set of images and ideas that can be used to make your
world other than it is; better and clearer. It is through language that cultural diversity and social relations
are expressed and constructed, and it is through language that such constructions can be altered, broadened and

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Grade 9 English
  • Advertising Poster

    Episode 1

    When it comes to creating advertising posters, one has to be strategically creative. In this lesson we brush up on a few advertising techniques that will help you persuade sales or interest.

  • Reading Skills

    Episode 2

    The fact that you can read this sentence is because you have reading skills. This lesson will help you level up in your English assignments.

  • Curriculum Vitae

    Episode 3

    Knowing how to write a compelling CV/resume is what will make you an outstanding candidate during your job search. In this lesson we polish up on this skill.

  • Cartoons

    Episode 4

    Cartoons are really funny especially when you know the components of them and you know how to analyse them as most cartoons you will interact with are comic strips and political cartoons.

  • Poetry

    Episode 5

    A poet’s intention is to try and recreate their own ideas, life situations or experiences for others to feel or imagine. Understanding poetry can be confusing and there’s often a sense of misperception about one’s ability to analyse poetry. This lesson will help you unease about poetry.

  • Direct and indirect speech

    Episode 6

    Direct and indirect speech is something that is done on a daily basis to communicate a message from one person to another. Having knowledge on how to differentiate these two types of speech will improve your communication skills.

  • Notice , Agenda and Minutes

    Episode 7

    Knowing the formats to notices, agendas and minutes helps in everyday life meetings especially because some of these meetings hold important things at stake.

  • Reflective Essays

    Episode 8

    Reflective essays contemplate an idea and give emotional reactions and feelings. They present a set of thoughts and ideas about a topic. By the end of this lesson you will be able to plan and write a reflective essay appropriately.

  • Blog writing

    Episode 9

    Blogs are written content displayed on websites or are part of a website; they are entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. By the end of this lesson you should know what a blog is , how it’s written and you’ll know a few famous blog sites.

  • Short Stories

    Episode 10

    A short story is a work of prose fiction that can be read in one sitting because it is about 10-25 pages. By the end of this lesson you should be able to know what a short story is, the benefits of it and the elements of it in detail.